plants for windy balconies

8 Best Plants for Windy Balconies

Are you looking for the best plants for windy balconies? Not all plants can grow near balconies where you receive a lot of winds. For example, placing your Polka Dot plants on a windy balcony will kill them within a span of a few days.

So, here we have provided a list of some of the best plants you can plant on windy balconies. We hope this will be of help to you.

Best Plants for Windy Balconies

Here is the list of some of the best plants for windy balconies. Check the list below.

Golden Sumac

Golden Sumac

Golden Sumac, also known as Tiger Eye Sumac, is a plant that is generally not grown in the ground. The reason behind this is that it is invasive and it can spread quite fast. The best place to grow this plant is in a pot, which restricts movements and keeps it nice and small.

Golden Sumac is a highly wind-resistant plant. They are a bushy plant type and can provide colossal cover to your balconies if you require privacy. These plants look very lovely in the wind as they have swaying branches.

Are you trying to grow Polka Dot plants? Then you should read Polka Dot Plant Propagation Guide.



Cypress plants are bushy and evergreen and can grow up to several meters. So, it is always a good idea to prune them unless you want them to grow too long. They have dense foliage that allows them to block winds and do very well in windy conditions.

Cypress trees can reach heights of 50 to 80 feet and have a straight trunk that tapers at the base. These conifers are deciduous and feature tiny, fluffy needles. While most kinds have needles that turn brown in the winter, a few have gorgeous fall colors like yellow or gold.



Bamboos are perennial plants that can grow and spread quite a lot if they are not pruned. They can also be grown in full sun or partial shade, and you can plant them in pots. To grow them, you need moist and well-drained soil.

So, if you feel that you are too close to your next or adjacent building, you can plant these, place them there, and wait for them to grow. It would be a good idea not to grow these plants in the ground.



Gazanias are one of the best plants for windy balconies as they grow very nicely in dry conditions and do very well in sunlight. This will be your go-to plant if you receive a lot of wind because the wind has an evaporation effect on plant soil.

They come in different colors, such as copper king, goldrush, etc. Gazanias are primarily used for ground cover, so you will usually find them hanging down. Late winters are the best time to prune them, or you can even do that in the early springs. To prune them, cut back a couple of inches above the ground.

Don’t just assume that your leggy polka dot plant is about to die. Try these Ways To Fix Leggy Polka Dot Plants (The First is EASY)



Lavenders are aromatic plants that do very well on windy balconies. They have different shades of purple and white and have hundreds of varieties. These are not just wind and heat tolerant but can also be used for food flavoring besides providing a pleasant aroma for your garden.

The ideal size of lavenders is around 1 to 3 feet in height, and well-drained soil and proper sunlight are necessary for these plants to thrive. If you want the best results, planting a small and bushy variety would be good as they would stay nice and compact.

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental Grasses

You can guess from the name itself that these plants are unique. These plants are perfect for windy balconies as they make amazing sounds when wind flows through them. They are pretty resistant to wind damage and can thrive under challenging conditions.

These plants can also be used for providing privacy as these plants can grow to a height of 15 feet. To grow properly, you need a lot of sunlight and well-drained soil. Watering them once a week would do the job. Just divide them every 3-4 years, or they will thin out and die.



Bottlebrushes are plants that originated from Australia and are also known as Callistemon. These plants need a lot of sunlight to thrive, and you also need well-drained soil to keep them alive. They do good in windy locations and are an excellent choice for breezy balconies.

They are available in different sizes, so finding one that fits your balcony wouldn’t be challenging. These plants can also be grown from seeds and come in different color varieties such as white, purple, white, etc. Some of them can also spread, so prune them before that happens.

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Frangula is one of those shrubs that can provide you with flowers. The flowers are small and star-shaped, and they look gorgeous. These shrubs need to be planted in containers. If planted on the ground, they can spread out quite a lot and grow up to 10 to 20 feet.

These lovely, wind-resistant plants are an excellent choice for a windy balcony. Make sure they receive sunlight and have soil that doesn’t have stagnant water. You should also prune them from time to time.

Wrap Up

So, these are some of the best plants for windy balconies. There are many other plants besides these, but we felt these would be the best. Leave them below if you have any better plant ideas for windy patios.






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