Category: Gardening

  • How To Drill A Hole In A Ceramic Pot For Drainage

    How To Drill A Hole In A Ceramic Pot For Drainage

    Ceramic pots are pretty beautiful, and they look stunning indoors. These pots are relatively cheap, and their weight is less as well. But one of their most significant issues is that they usually don’t come with holes at the bottom. And that is a big issue as it will harm the plant. We will talk…

  • How To Trim Dead Plant Leaves (do it the right way!)

    How To Trim Dead Plant Leaves (do it the right way!)

    Keeping your plants healthy all the time could be quite a tough job. And it is pretty mortifying if the plant dies after all the care and attention. But a plant doesn’t just die like that, there are clear signs, and one of them is dead leaves. Dead leaves are a sign that your plant…

  • Terracotta vs Concrete Pots for Plants (WHICH to Choose?)

    Terracotta vs Concrete Pots for Plants (WHICH to Choose?)

    Are you unable to decide between Terracotta Pots and Concrete Pots for your plants? Well, that should happen as both these have pros and cons of their own. Terracotta pots sit well with classic style-loving people; on the other hand, concrete is for those needing long-lasting pots. So, before choosing suitable pots for your plants,…

  • Guide to Stop Plant Pots From Blowing Over in Wind (2nd is EASY)

    Guide to Stop Plant Pots From Blowing Over in Wind (2nd is EASY)

    Balconies that have plants in them make them more beautiful. But it becomes pretty frustrating when they get toppled due to winds. This not only spoils the balconies but also damages the plants. So, if you have been facing this problem, this post is for you. Here we will provide solutions that will let you…

  • 8 Best Plants for Windy Balconies

    8 Best Plants for Windy Balconies

    Are you looking for the best plants for windy balconies? Not all plants can grow near balconies where you receive a lot of winds. For example, placing your Polka Dot plants on a windy balcony will kill them within a span of a few days. So, here we have provided a list of some of…