Trim Plant Leaves

How To Trim Dead Plant Leaves (do it the right way!)

Keeping your plants healthy all the time could be quite a tough job. And it is pretty mortifying if the plant dies after all the care and attention. But a plant doesn’t just die like that, there are clear signs, and one of them is dead leaves. Dead leaves are a sign that your plant is dying, and you must take better care of them. To start that, the very first thing you need to do is trim dead plant leaves.

In this post, we have provided a few reasons why the plant leaves are dying. We have also provided the steps by which you could trim the leaves of the dead plants.

Reasons Why Plant Leaves Die

There could be many reasons why your plant leaves are dying. Here are some common mistakes that make your leaves die out.


You might not be aware of it, but your plants are not getting enough water. Due to this, your plant leaves might be dying. But they don’t just die out of the blue just like that. There are various signs, such as hanging or sad leaves.

Lack Of Light

Lack of light is another widespread reason because of which your leaves could be dying. When plants don’t receive enough light, they start turning yellow in color and then die.


Like underwatering, overwatering is also harmful and could kill the whole plant and the leaves. Overwatering leads to root rot and turns leaves yellow. A plant that doesn’t have good drainage generally suffers from this issue.

Those were some of the most common issues due which your leaves could start dying. Now, check the steps you need to follow to trim down the dead leaves of your plant.

Are you having trouble choosing between Terracotta pots and Concrete pots? Well, no need to think about that anymore as I have prepared a guide just for that. Read Terracotta vs. Concrete Pots for Plants (WHICH to Choose?)

Trimming dead plant leaves are somewhat similar to pruning plants.

How to Trim Dead Plant Leaves

The steps of trimming down dead plant leaves are relatively straightforward. But before we head to that, there are a few pieces of equipment that you would need to get started.

Equipment Need For Trimming

  • Clean and sharp Scissors or Shears
  • Gardening Gloves
  • A small bag
  • Disinfecting wipe or a clean cloth.

Now that you are ready with the equipment let’s get started.

Steps To Trim Dead Leaves Of Plants

Step 1:

Take your time and search for all the leaves or leaves with dead parts.

Step 2:

Now, gently pull the leaf near the place where it is attached to the stem. There is a chance that the leaf might come off if it is dead.

Step 3:

Pick up the clean scissors or shears and use them on the dead leaf part close to the stem. Cut it to the place where the leaf starts.

Trim Plant Leaves

Step 4:

Now, add the dead leaf to the small bag.

And that is how you can trim dead leaves of plants.

If your balcony plants are getting blown over by strong winds, then you can refer to the Guide to Stop Plant Pots From Blowing Over in Wind (2nd is EASY)

How To Cut Brown Leaves or Brown Parts Of Leaves?

Cutting off brown parts of leaves is essential as they can slowly spread throughout the leaves and then to the plant. So, it’s better to cut it off before extending further. Along with that, the plant’s energy could be used to develop new leaves, blossoms, or roots instead of being wasted by having the leaf hang there.

Cutting down these parts is relatively straightforward. Follow the steps provided below.

Step 1:

Hold the leaf and start cutting around the edges. Also, make sure that the scissors or shears are clean. You can also wipe them off with a disinfectant or clean cloth.

Step 2:

Be very careful while you cut it. Don’t cut off the good parts of the leaf. If most of the leaf is brown, then take off the whole leaf.

And that its. By following these steps, you would be able to trim dead plant leaves and cut down brown parts of leaves.

Are Dead Leaves Helpful For The Plants Growth?

Different people have different opinions about it, but a study revealed that they are not helpful at all. Dead leaves are a waste of energy for the plant. The best choice would be to cut them off as soon as you discover them. This way, the energy that was supposed to be used up for the dead leaf would be used for the plant’s propagation.

Though yellow leaves can turn green but brown leaves can not become green as brown leaves mean that they are dead.

Is It Possible For Dead Plants To Become Alive Again?

This question in itself seems pretty ridiculous. Do dead things ever become alive? Well, that is the same in the case of plants as well. Dead plants don’t become alive, but plants that appear dead can live.

To nurture them back to their original health, the first step would be to cut off the brown parts of the plant. Followed by regular watering and exposing it to proper lighting.

Wrap Up

Trimming Off dead leaves or dead parts of plants is an excellent habit. This helps the plant to grow significantly faster than when dead leaves or parts tie it down. Also, a plant care routine would benefit your plant, increasing its survivability. Hopefully, the provided information here will be of help to you.






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