Stop Plant Pots From Blowing Over in Wind

Guide to Stop Plant Pots From Blowing Over in Wind (2nd is EASY)

Balconies that have plants in them make them more beautiful. But it becomes pretty frustrating when they get toppled due to winds. This not only spoils the balconies but also damages the plants.

So, if you have been facing this problem, this post is for you. Here we will provide solutions that will let you keep both your plants and balconies safe. So, check them out and get started with keeping your plants safe.

Ways to Avoid Plants From Tipping in The Wind

There are several ways following which you would be able to avoid plants from tipping in the wind. Check those solutions below.

Fill The Pot With More Soil To Make It Denser

Fill The Pot With More Soil To Make It Denser

Pots with very little soil are usually light, and it is no wonder they would get blown away by winds when placed on a balcony. But there are times when soil is lost over time due to winds and water that washes soil away through drainage holes. If that happens, you need to add more soil to make the pot heavier so it doesn’t get blown by the wind easily. Some might even try adding rocks inside the pot, making it difficult for the water to pass through.

Besides adding soil, you can try another process called Mulching. So, what is mulching? It is a layer that is put over the pot’s soil and keeps the soil moist. A mulch can be prepared with organic matter or even compost. You can make one using rocks and gravel, but this is only recommended for cold weather.

Position The Plant Against Walls

Position The Plant Against Walls

The position of your plants also determines whether the plant will tip over or not. There are various ways to do that; the most straightforward method would be to put them against a wall to support them. Plant pots shouldn’t be kept in open spaces as they would get tipped over by wind and spill soil all over the area.

You can also put bricks or stones around the pot to support it. But putting it against walls would be advisable as bricks and rocks would just make the place messy, and you could trip over them.

Are you searching for the best plants for your windy balconies? Well, for that, read Best Plants for Windy Balconies

Screen Balcony To Reduce The Impact Of Wind

Screening your balcony is another process by which you can quite easily reduce the impact of wind. This will act as a shield from the wind and provide cover for the plants. They can be installed between your balcony bars, and along with that, you will also get some privacy as well.

Balcony screens come in different shapes and sizes and several colors as well. They are made of different materials, such as plastic, metal, wood, and reed. The price might be high considering the material, but they are available for lower prices too. The best ones are those that are made out of metal. Along with that, they also act as a protective barrier if you have children at home.

Get a Plant Pot Stabilizer

Get a Plant Pot Stabilizer

Plant Pot stabilizers come in different shapes and sizes. They are pretty important in keeping the plant stabilized at all times. The plant pot will be more stable and less likely to topple over and spill soil if the ground surface of the pot is increased with a stabilizer. Additionally, they assist in keeping the potted plants upright, which makes them appear more aesthetically pleasing.

You can find the plant pot stabilizers online or at nearby plant stores. Most of these stabilizers have suction cups or spikes in place that hold the pot’s bottom. Some pot stabilizers also feature a foundation, which aids in more evenly distributing the weight of the plant. Large, heavy plants benefit the most from pot stabilizers because they can reduce accidents and plant damage.

Use Balcony Planters

Get a Plant Pot Stabilizer

Balcony planters are a sort of device where you can easily plant plants. These are safe and come in different forms, sizes, and shapes. The stability of the planters depends on their size, as it is said that the bigger the planter, the more stable it will be. If you are planning to get one of these, then make sure to get the ones with drainage holes. Having drainage holes prevents water from getting stagnant, which also saves the plants from diseases such as root rot.

If you are having trouble with your leggy polka dot plants, then you can read Ways To Fix Leggy Polka Dot Plants (The First is EASY)

Use A Stake To Support The Plant

Putting a stake down to support the plant is the easiest thing to do. You can just grab a stick or a tree branch and put it right next to the plant. This is help the plant in staying upright and won’t let it topple down.

If you cannot put the stake in the ground next to the plant, then the best option is to put the stake in another pot and put that pot near the plant. This will provide the pot with enough stability so that it doesn’t topple over when strong winds start flowing.

Wrap Up

Plants, when placed in pots, appear to be quite beautiful, and if placed on a balcony, they make our homes look good. But to let them keep our patios beautiful, we need to provide them with enough protection so that they don’t get toppled when it rains or there are strong winds.

The best way to avoid that is to follow the solutions provided here. There are other methods too that can be followed, but these are the best. We hope this has been of help to you.






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