Are you searching for reasons why your cosmos is not flowering? Cosmos are easy-growing plants that produce flowers during summer. These plants are pretty easy to grow, and they require low maintenance. But there are a few conditions that need to be met for them to be flowering. So, if your plants are not flowering, those conditions have not been met.
In this post, we will provide you with all the issues that can cause your cosmos to not flower and how you can solve these issues with ease.
What Causes My Cosmos Not To Flower?
There are quite a few reasons why your cosmos is not flowering. Here are some of those.
Lack Of Sunlight
Cosmos is the type of plant that loves heat and sunshine to such a degree that they struggle to produce flowers without those. The lack of sunlight could be the primary reason why your cosmos is not blooming.
Lack of sunlight could be due to them being indoors, or the growing place might receive partial sunlight. This can also be caused when the cosmos grow under an enormous tree that blocks most sunlight they ought to receive.
Improper Watering
Overwatering causes the cosmos to stop flowering. However, these plants love more water, which only boosts the growth in their leaves. There is a high chance that the plant has caught root rot too. These plants need dry soil, but they need regular irrigation as well.
Just like overwatering, underwatering could also be a reason they cannot produce flowers. One of the biggest reasons they get underwatered is that these plants don’t need much maintenance, and people forget to water them. This way, they don’t get watered properly and die out.
Nutrient Rich Soil
Cosmos don’t need nutrient-rich soil, and that is because of the place they are native. These plants are native to Mexico in South America, and the soil is very well drained and low in nutrients there. When exposed to nutrient-rich soil, they tend to grow their foliage while reducing the number of flowers they produce.
They don’t generally flower when placed in soil beds as most soils are nutrient-dense compared to the soil in Mexico. Pots are a good place for them, but if regular soil is used, the results would be the same.
Too Much Fertilizer
The sole reason for using fertilizers is to increase the soil’s nutrition level; since these plants are not huge fans of nutritious soil, they don’t flower. Low to moderate fertilization can be done to the soil of these plants, but any more than that would make the foliage of the plants grow. They would grow better in solid beds or pots with soil that is not much-taken care of.
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How To Fix Cosmos Not Flowering
Now that you know the issue of why your cosmos are not flowering, here are the solutions for them.
Cosmos are the plants that love sunshine. Placing them under direct sunlight would do the trick for them. Moving the pot under sunlight would be best if the plant is in a pot. If it’s placed in a soil bed, then clearing the area near the plant would be ideal.
Suppose you cannot do that, then it would be better to start a new batch of these flowers in an area with direct sunlight. This is because Cosmos hate transplanting, and when tried to do so, they die.
The best way to avoid overwatering is to check the plants’ soil every day before watering. Watering them regularly is also very necessary to prevent underwatering. But when the plants have grown up, watering them once a week would be enough as they might get overwatered if done regularly.
As for underwatering, you can follow the one-inch rule, which is about checking the top inch of the soil before watering it. If the soil is dry, you can water the plant. If it is too wet or moist, then refrain from watering. By following this, you can avoid both underwatering and overwatering the plant.
All types of plants love nutrient-rich soil, and the cosmos is one of those. These love nutrient-rich soil as this helps the plant in growing its foliage. But the flower growth is reduced in this process. Cosmos don’t need extra care for their growth as you can plant them in a spot that has so and so soil. Here these plants will thrive and provide you with flowers.
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Providing them with fertilizers won’t do them any good; it will just provide them with nutrients to grow their foliage. The ideal thing to do here would be to let them grow independently without fertilizer.
Wrap Up
So, there you have it. These are some of the reasons why your cosmos are not flowering. If you want them to grow flowers, then make sure to follow the solutions provided here. There could be other reasons besides these, and if you know of any such causes, leave them below. We will be happy to read about those!
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